Frequently Asked Questions

I get these questions a lot. Here are my best answers...

What is included in the free consultation?

Please note that I cannot provide technical support or design work in the free consultation.

The initial consult is time for us to chat about your project and decide if we are a good fit. It is also time for me to assess the scope so that I can provide you the best estimate of hours.

What if I need a quick check of my slides?

I can review your slides and give you suggestions on what to change.

During our initial consultation, I can estimate how long that will take, but it is usually just an hour for an average deck.

Do you work in Google Slides or Keynote?

Yes and no.

I am a PowerPoint specialist, but I have training and experience in other presentation software platforms.

To be transparent, I would not be the best choice if you want something quickly done in these programs. But I have a network of designers I can refer you to.

Do you offer discounted rates?

Yes. If you prepay a chunk of hours, I can reduce my rates based on the number of hours. I can do this because it allows me to better plan my time and budget.

I need help fast! How long does it take to get my slides?

It depends on how much work you need, but I am pretty fast.

For a deck review or cleanup with no new design concepts needed, I can usually get your deck back to you the next day. This depends on my case load, but I will tell you upfront if I have an issue.

Can you teach me how to improve my slides myself?

Yes. I’ve had lots of practice teaching design and PowerPoint over the years. We book some time together, and I can go over your slides and guide you.

Can you design templates?

Yes, I can design templates and have experience designing brands, so I could even help you create something new for your business.

However, if you need a template that requires a lot of coding, I have a network of experts that I could refer you to—that is not my area of expertise.

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