
stand out

Customized presentation support to help you feel confident on stage and attract audiences to your business and initiatives.

Tell your story like a pro!

Bored businessman

Have you ever sat through a presentation like this?

Slides filled with bullet points and tables…no clear storyline…speaker reads their slides word-for-word…audience tuning out and looking at their phones and laptops.

We’ve all been there at least a few times in our careers, squirming in our seats, waiting for the session to be over, then trying not to make eye contact with the speaker afterward.

A poorly designed presentation won’t actually kill an audience, but they might wish for it. Wasting their time alienates your audience and hurts your business.

But presentations don’t have to be like this.

I believe that every speaker can tell a story in a way that makes people stop, listen, and connect. 

A guide
to get you there

I understand the time commitment and stress of putting together a presentation—trying to find the right words and visuals in a way that makes your story interesting and clear. It is hard, but it can be rewarding when you get it just right. It can lead to media interviews, new business, and more.

If you are stuck, overwhelmed with the process of putting together a great presentation, or simply need to focus on other aspects of your business, I can help.

I have helped speakers successfully tell their stories at events around the world for over 17 years. 

I can do the same for you.

Businessman consulting mature businesswoman client, using laptop

All services in one place

Whether you need a presentation improvement consultation or full script-to-stage support, working with me means a single point of contact who can take on every phase of the project and gives you time back to focus on other things.

Elevate your visuals

Custom presentation slide design by a trained graphic designer and PowerPoint-certified specialist.
Having great graphics and knowing they will work at your venue means you have what you need to impress and persuade your audience with confidence.

Sharpen your message

Content and script writing support to target and improve your message so you can keep your audience engaged and focused on your story—and not their cell phone.

Work directly with your designer/writer

A single, dedicated contact simplifies the process, reduces overhead costs, ensures your ideas are not filtered through intermediaries, and speeds up the project turnaround time.

Options you can choose from

Improve your next presentation at whatever level you need—across all phases of presentation production.

Slide Design

The right visuals designed especially for you. To help tell the story in a way that fits the venue and the audience. 

This means you can tell your story with confidence and focus on your audience—and your audience can connect with you and your message.

Slide Cleanup
and Editing

Eliminate spelling and text layout errors, so you can avoid any embarrassing situations as your audience views your slides. 

Improve and polish your existing visuals to give you that standout, professional story backdrop that will delight your audience.

Script writing

Tell your story clearly and in a way that has your audience and goals front and center. The right words can work wonders to engage audiences.

Onsite Support

Working behind the scenes at the venue, I can ensure that when the lights come on and the show begins, you can feel confident that everything is prepared to run smoothly. 

You can be confident on the stage and focus on your message and audience.

To get all this and more…

How it works

Step 1: Kickoff

We’ll talk over Zoom so I can get to know your needs and you can get all your questions answered.

Step 2: Execute

I’ll make a customized plan, and we’ll work together to execute it.

You’ll know exactly what you need to do and when to do it, as well as when things are coming from me.

Step 3: Present

You’ll have the tools you need to deliver your message in a way that attracts and persuades people to your message.

You’ll enjoy that “drop the mic” feeling as your audience applauds your message and asks to hear more.

1 +
Years experience
1 +

Some of my amazing clients

Microsoft, Qualcomm, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Boeing, Hewlett-Packard, Cognizant Technologies, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Terminal Reality Inc., GlobalFoundries

Global industry events

Consumer Electronics Show, Mobile World Congress (America and China), New York Times Square takeover, CTIA, IEEE, Futurecom (Brazil), Computex, DICE, 5G Techritory (Latvia) 

Kind words from former clients

“Beverly is a high-energy communications professional with immense versatility. One of her natural talents is in transforming the art of communications. She can take on any executive spokesperson, speech, venue/event and presentation format and apply her creativity and expertise to produce wildly memorable experiences for audiences.” 

“…She has a talented eye for design, she’s an articulate writer, and she can very rapidly comprehend complex technical topics and churn out engaging and insightful content and messaging…

“If, like me, you believe one person can’t excel in written communications, visual design and multi-channel brand management, you would, like me, be mistaken. Beverly Crawford-Westre is the whole package.

…She is a trusted advisor to executives at the highest levels who rely on her for their narratives. With Bev at the helm, a manager is assured any project in her oversight is going to be creatively conceived, thoroughly managed, and executed without a hitch.”